Set Up your Development Environment

Venturing into the world of programming might seem like a Herculean task, especially when faced with the initial decision: Where to begin? This article will guide you through the essential steps to set up your programming environment, ensuring a solid foundation for your coding journey.

Choosing a programming language

Choosing a programming language is the first and perhaps the most crucial step in the learning process. Several factors to consider when selecting a language include:

  1. Purpose: What do you want to code for? If it’s web development, JavaScript or PHP might be good options. If you’re into data science, R or Python might be more appropriate.
  2. Community: A language with an active community can be vital for beginners. A vibrant community usually means more resources, tutorials, and solutions available online.
  3. Learning curve: Some languages are easier to pick up than others. It’s essential to pick one that matches your experience level and patience.
  4. Job opportunities: If you’re eyeing a career in programming, researching the job market demand for various languages can be insightful.

While there are many valuable and potent languages, for the purpose of this course, we’ve chosen Python. This language is renowned for its simplicity and readability, making it ideal for those just starting out. Moreover, Python boasts an active community and a wide range of applications, from web development to artificial intelligence1.

Installing Python

For Windows users:

  1. Download the installer:
  2. Run the installer:
    • Once the download is complete, locate and run the installer .exe file.
    • Make sure to check the box that says “Add Python to PATH” during installation. This step is crucial for making Python accessible from the Command Prompt.
    • Follow the installation prompts.
  3. Verify installation:
    • Open the Command Prompt and type:
      python --version
    • This should display the version of Python you just installed.

For Mac users:

  1. Download the installer:
  2. Run the installer:
    • Once the download is complete, locate and run the .pkg file.
    • Follow the installation prompts.
  3. Verify installation:
    • Open the Terminal and type:
      python3 --version
    • This should display the version of Python you just installed.

For Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) users:

  1. Update packages:
    sudo apt update
  2. Install Python:
    sudo apt install python3
  3. Verify installation:
    • After installation, you can check the version of Python installed by typing:
      python3 --version

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

An IDE is a tool that streamlines application development by combining commonly-used functionalities into a single software package: code editor, compiler, debugger, and more. Choosing the right IDE can make the programming process more fluid and efficient.

When evaluating IDEs, consider:

  1. Language compatibility: Not all IDEs are compatible with every programming language.
  2. Features: Some IDEs offer features like auto-completion, syntax highlighting, and debugging tools.
  3. Extensions and plugins: Being able to customize and extend your IDE through plugins can be extremely beneficial.
  4. Price: There are free and paid IDEs. Evaluate whether the additional features of a paid IDE justify its cost.

For this course, we’ve selected Visual Studio Code (VS Code). It’s a popular IDE that’s free and open-source. It’s known for its straightforward interface, a vast array of plugins, and its capability to handle multiple programming languages2. Its active community ensures regular updates and a plethora of learning resources.

Installing Visual Studio Code

For Windows users:

  1. Download the installer:
  2. Run the installer:
    • Once the download is complete, locate and run the installer .exe file.
    • Follow the installation prompts, including accepting the license agreement and choosing the installation location.
  3. Launch VS Code:
    • After installation, you can find VS Code in your Start menu.
    • Launch it, and you’re ready to start coding!

For Mac users:

  1. Download the installer:
  2. Install VS Code:
    • Once the download is complete, open the downloaded .zip file.
    • Drag the Visual Studio Code .app to the Applications folder, making it available in the Launchpad.
  3. Launch VS Code:
    • Use Spotlight search or navigate to your Applications folder to launch VS Code.

For Linux (Ubuntu/Debian) users:

  1. Update packages and install dependencies:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget
  2. Download and install the key:
    wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
  3. Add the VS Code repository:
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"
  4. Install Visual Studio Code:
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install code
  5. Launch VS Code:
    • You can start VS Code from the terminal by typing code or find it in your list of installed applications.

Write and execute your first program

Once you’ve set up your programming environment, it’s time to dive into coding.

Hello, World!

This is arguably the most iconic program for beginners. It’s simple, but it introduces you to the process of writing and executing code.

print("Hello, World!")

Running the Hello World program Running the Hello World program

Triangle area and perimeter calculation

This program is a tad more intricate. It doesn’t just print out a message; it also performs mathematical calculations.

# User input
side1 = float(input("Enter the length of the first side: "))
side2 = float(input("Enter the length of the second side: "))
side3 = float(input("Enter the length of the third side: "))

# Perimeter calculation
perimeter = side1 + side2 + side3

# Area calculation using Heron's formula
s = perimeter / 2
area = (s*(s-side1)*(s-side2)*(s-side3)) ** 0.5

print(f"The triangle's perimeter is: {perimeter}")
print(f"The triangle's area is: {area:.2f}")

Running the Triangle program Running the Triangle program


Setting up a programming environment might appear daunting at first, but with the right tools and resources, it becomes a manageable and rewarding task. We hope this article provided you with a solid foundation to kickstart your programming journey. Happy coding!


  1. Lutz, M. (2013). Learning Python. O’Reilly Media. ↩︎

  2. Microsoft. (2020). Visual Studio Code Documentation. Microsoft Docs. ↩︎

Last modified October 1, 2024: Update tags (284c0b0)